Vienna, Austria

$ 12.87/g
25Price Ranking

Smokers Guide

Where to Buy

Recent WeBeHigh users have had success in a nightclub called “Flex” near the Schottenring metro station. You will crash a canal and might be hassled by some black guys into buying some low quality weed but continue into the club and find plenty of dealers. The price may be a little high, one user reported 4 joints for 20€. Another local smoker suggested a pub called Camera as a good place to score. Another said visitors could ask other shoppers at Bush Planet, a local head shop, but recent reports state these guys might be hesitant. If you are still on the prowl catch the train the Stadtpark. If you go around sunset or at night as you walk up the stairs of the train station you will almost certainly be approached by Gypsie. They sell decent chronic for roughly 10 euros a gram. If nobody approaches you just look out for the eye signal and the deal will go down. The more you buy the better the price you will get. January 2016 Tip: “you can find it at the tram / metro station right opposite the kempinsky hotel. just walk to the station (above the ground) and local dudes will be staring at you, all u gotta do is wink and you’ll get whatever your lost soul desires… :)”


Around 10 euros a gram.