Tallinn, Estonia

$ 20.98/g
7Price Ranking

Smokers Guide

Where to Buy

Tough one. The best advise I can give is to find well connected ex-pats. You need someone who knows someone. The belief that you’ll just happen to come across it sooner or later is wishful thinking to say the least. The latest reports say “Your best bet would be going through Old Town asking people. Just look for people who look like they smoke, if a person is wearing Air Forces (nike) he’ll most likely hook you up if he trusts you, he’ll most likely speak decent English too. Almost all people that wear “rap” gear smoke mary in Tallinn. Make sure you watch out for the cops while doing so and make sure to make the person trust you somehow. There is a lot of undercover cops in Old Town. So most people will most likely ignore you, but if they trust you it all depends on how much dope you are looking for. They’ll most likely have to take you somewhere safe to make a deal or they’ll have to go pick it up if you’re looking to get lots. Go through parks, you might find someone smoking there. Ask around the kids hanging around in Park Lepistiku in Mustamae, you’ll most likely get a hook up there.


About $18 USD for a gram. Latest reports put it higher “Starts at 35 euro a gram but if you need a lot the price drops.

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Relatively lax laws, but few people smoke it in estonia (even young people). Alcohol is the drug of choice by and large and pot is simply difficult to come across. Put your Bob Marley shirt on and make sure people belive your actually not a cop.