Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

$ 5.11/g
109Price Ranking

Smokers Guide

Where to Buy

: Weed is not legal in Brazil but you can buy it almost anywhere. You should also visit the “favelas” – once inside a “favela” you can find weed in almost any street or “viela”. But that’s not a safe place at all to buy or consume, although you’ll see a lot of people doing it…). A safer way to purchase would be asking other tourists who have already been in Brazil for a while. There a few places much cooler to go and enjoy yourself (and even score some good weed) like Santa Teresa and Lapa. another reporter added: “friendly brazilian smokers is best… but everywhere on the beach is available from venders and hippies selling jewelry…..”


: Marijuana is very cheap in Brazil, and Rio Marijuana prices reflect it. Weed prices range from USD 0.50 ( in the favelas; low quality weed ), USD 4.00 ( medium quality; not bad; from dealers ), to USD 15.00 ( very good quality; few dealers). another reporter added: “2-5 R$ per gram 1R$= 2 US$”