Brisbane, Australia

$ 10.63/g
41Price Ranking

Smokers Guide

Where to Buy

It’s not easy to find in the city (CBD) as normally you’d need to know people to be able to get a hookup. try to be low-profile and cool about it if you ask around. Most will point you to the fortitude valley, and you might get lucky there, I never did though, but then again I didn’t try too hard in that area, just a couple of times. but the punks or other similarly outstanding people usually gathered in the queen street mall central area (up from Albert street) may be able to help, also anybody who looks stoned or looks the type may be cool enough to help. That’s all I remember about finding hookups, it’s been almost a year since I’ve had to do it, good luck.


25 $ for a stick or “25” – usually about a gram and a half if you find a good dealer. 50 $ for a fifty – usually about 2.8 to 3.5 grams, again varying according to dealer and prices. 90 – 100 $ for a quarter – 7 grams, but at times you may get slightly less or more. 160 – 180 $ for a half ounce – 14 grams. I can’t usually get the 160 $ price range these days anymore though, you’ll be lucky to find one.