Berlin, Germany

$ 13.53/g
21Price Ranking

Smokers Guide

Where to Buy

There are several ways to go about finding weed or hash to smoke in Berlin. However none of these methods guarantee any good quality or any fair deals, You will probably get ripped off or at the most get some low quality weed or some soap bar hash that you don’t really want to smoke but have no choice. If you are still insistent on trying to score some herb on your own just be careful because sometimes you get really horrible weed and then you are pissed off because you lost your money and now you don’t even have a decent smoke. You can try walking around some parks and trying to find the dealers, everyone in Berlin is quite friendly so if you are in a park and you ask some young people where to get some they will be happy to point you in the right direction, but again, be extremely careful not to lose your money, as there are scammers in those parks as well. As of March 2015 we have the following advice from our users: For more information read:


20 euros for a big chunk of hash or 30 euros for 2 grams of average quality. It varies, but usually between 7 and 10 Euro per gram of weed. The really exceptional weed like Kush or Haze can cost up to 15 Euro per gram.

More Info

Just don’t go parading around with a backpack full of ganja and you really have nothing to worry about! Besides, there’s the Hemp Parade for that! Enjoy!